10 vastu shastra house plan tips

Vastu Shastra provides guidelines for harmonious house design in alignment with nature

If you’re planning to build your home, Vastu Shastra can give you some rules to follow when designing both the inside and outside of your house. These rules are meant to make your home in tune with nature, so it gets lots of natural sunlight and fresh air. This is believed to make your family healthier and happier. Vastu principles are about making your home’s structure and layout bring in good energy and keep out the bad. There are some basic Vastu rules for homes that can help you have long-lasting happiness, peace, good relationships, good health, and positive vibes in your house.

Here are 10 important rules for building your home that you should check out:

  1. Draw a Vastu disha map of your home

    Think of a Vastu map as a plan for making a comfortable and well-balanced home. You can either work with an architect who knows about Vastu, or you can learn some basics yourself. On a good Vastu map, there should be enough room for fresh air and sunlight. The doors and windows should be in the right places and have good shapes.

    According to Vastu, the best direction for a home is one that faces east and pays attention to the northeast or north. This is believed to be very lucky. But it doesn’t mean other directions are bad. In Vastu, there are no “bad” directions. You can adjust your Vastu map to make any direction work well and bring harmony to your home.

  2. Main entrance door Vastu tips

    The best place for your main entrance door is the northeast direction because it’s believed to bring a lot of happiness and good luck into your house. North-facing houses are generally considered very good. But if you can’t have the entrance in the northeast, you can also pick from north, west, northwest, east, or south of southeast directions as alternatives.

  3. Vastu for bedroom

    Improving your bedroom and positioning your bed in the right way can make positive energy flow better. According to Vastu Shastra, the best place for your bed is on the west side because Vastu principles suggest that the west should be a bit heavier. Another good option is to place your bed in the southwest direction because it’s considered very lucky and fruitful.

    The ideal way to position your bed is with your head facing either south or east, so when you lie down, your legs point towards the north or east. Try not to place your bed in the middle of the room or push one side of the bed against the wall. Leave at least 18 inches of space on each side of the bed. According to Feng Shui, having space on both sides of the bed helps balance the yin and yang energies.

  4. Build your kitchen as per Vastu

    According to Vastu Shastra, the southeast direction of your home is where the Lord of fire, Agni, resides. So, it’s the best place to put your kitchen. If you look at it closely, all your cooking stuff like the stove, gas, microwave, toaster, and other appliances are related to fire. So, they should be in the southeast part of the kitchen. Arrange them so that when you’re cooking, you naturally face east.

    But if, for some reason, you can’t have your kitchen in the southeast, the second-best option is the northwest direction.

    Following Vastu Shastra for your kitchen helps balance the five elements – air, water, earth, fire, and space. Making a few changes in your kitchen can bring more positive energy to your whole home.

  5. Avoid overhead beams

    Vastu experts suggest that overhead beams create strong and negative energy. In Vastu, it’s not recommended to have these beams, as they are believed to bring a certain kind of energy imbalance, known as “beam-Vastu-dosh.” If there are beams in your bedroom or living room, it can be energetically harmful if you spend a lot of time sitting or sleeping directly under them.

    This happens because these beams carry the weight of the entire building, and the energy beneath them can have a subtle, suppressing effect. So, it’s best to design your building layout in a way that avoids having anyone in the house regularly living or spending time under these beams.

  6. Vastu tips for doors and windows

    First, make sure that the main entrance door of your home is the largest one. It’s best to place it in the north, east, or northeast direction. A door made of wood with two shutters that open inward is considered very lucky. You can also make it look beautiful with designs and colorful decorations like bright lights and nice colors.

    Vastu experts suggest that you should have an even number of doors and windows in your home, like two, four, or six, and so on. It’s a good idea to keep the size of internal doors and windows consistent throughout the house.

    Avoid putting windows in the southwest direction because that can let in the harmful UV rays from the sun. Instead, place windows opposite to the doors for good airflow. The windows should ideally be the same shape and have a similar height for a balanced look.

  7. Decide the right room shape as per Vastu

    In geometry, a shape with sides and angles that aren’t the same is called irregular. Instead of using such irregular shapes, it’s better to have rooms that are rectangular or square. According to Vastu, irregularly shaped rooms can cause magnetic forces to spread unevenly, which disrupts the positive flow of energy.

    The same principle applies to plots of land. Irregularly shaped plots are believed to have low energy according to Vastu. Having irregularly shaped plots or rooms can lead to problems like sadness, misfortune, financial loss, and other issues.

  8. Vastu tips for toilets and bathrooms

    In Vastu, the toilet is seen as the most negative place in your home, so it’s crucial to follow some Vastu guidelines for it. According to Vastu Shastra, the best direction to build your toilets and bathrooms is in the northwest or west. It’s also a good idea to use a high-quality wooden door for your bathrooms and toilets, as a metal door can create negativity that might affect your health.

    Furthermore, Vastu suggests that the toilet should not share a wall with important areas like the puja (prayer) room or the kitchen. This is because it could spread negative energy throughout the house.

  9. Mirror vastu in your interior décor

    Mirrors can absorb negative energies and bring prosperity and better health, but where you put them matters in Vastu Shastra. It’s best to choose square or rectangular mirrors as they are considered lucky in mirror Vastu. Avoid oval, round, or irregular-shaped mirrors. You can use mirrors of any size because Vastu doesn’t limit that.

    The direction the mirror faces is important. If you have a nice view outside your room, place a mirror opposite that window. In the dining room, positioning a mirror to reflect the dining table is believed to be very auspicious. It can help improve health and bring more food and wealth into your home. If you want to attract money, place a mirror facing the drawer where you keep your cash or jewelry to invite more wealth.

    In bathrooms, it’s recommended to place the mirror on the north or east walls. Avoid placing mirrors in dark corners, and make sure you have good lighting around the mirror in your bathroom.

  10. Vastu for proper ventilation

    Ventilation is about letting air flow in, and air can bring both freshness and positive energy as well as negative energy. So, it’s essential to place windows in the right direction to improve the atmosphere in your surroundings. According to Vastu, the best directions for ventilation are north and east. It’s generally a good idea to avoid having windows in the south because that’s where the fire element is, and breezes from this direction can disrupt the balance in the space.

    It’s also important to be mindful of certain practices related to ventilation. For example, using dark-colored curtains or cluttering the window with your belongings can create Vastu imbalances. So, it’s best to keep your windows clean and clutter-free to maintain positive energy flow.

    Here are 10  benefits of following  Vastu Shastrat tips in your home:
  1.       Makes your family feel healthier and happier when they live in the house.
  2.       Helps create a peaceful and balanced home, reducing arguments and stress.
  3.       Attracts wealth and abundance, which is a big part of Vastu Shastra.
  4.       Encourages happy relationships that bring fulfillment and joy.
  5.       Can boost your career when you live in a Vastu-compliant home.
  6.       Paying a little attention to Vastu during home construction can lead to long-term happiness and success for your family.
  7.       Improves positive energy flow by arranging rooms, doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, and the kitchen correctly.
  8.       Vastu brings inner peace and helps build better relationships with those living in your home.
  9.   Vastu-aligned homes are spacious, clutter-free, well-ventilated, and well-lit because of the right placement of doors, windows, and furniture.
  10. Helps you overcome challenges and may contribute to a longer and more fulfilling life for the residents

Frequently Asked Vastu Questions (FAQs) on Vastu:

It’s best if your house faces the northeast direction. So, when you stand in the middle of your home, you should face northeast.

Sleeping with your head towards the east is recommended because it allows the sun’s energy to enter through your head and leave through your feet, giving you a cool head and warm feet. Avoid sleeping with your head to the north as it might cause health issues. South is considered good for restful sleep.

Light and peaceful colors like white, pastels, lighter shades of green, or brown are good for living rooms.

Bedrooms should have water-inspired colors to promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

  1. Choose a northeast or east-facing plot
  2. Place the entrance in the north, northeast, or west
  3. Avoid keeping garbage cans or shoes outside the main door
  4. Use light colors in the living room
  5. The master bedroom should be in the southwest corner
  6. Have an even number of doors and windows with consistent sizes inside the home

The southeast direction, associated with fire, is ideal for the kitchen. It allows the cook to face east while cooking.

Northeast, north, east, or west are considered the best directions for the main entrance, as they bring positivity and good luck. Avoid southwest, south, northwest (north side), or southeast directions.

East, north, and northeast are auspicious directions for windows. Avoid placing windows in the south, as it represents fire, and air from this side can disrupt the five elements of the house.

The best directions for a puja room are northeast, north, or east.

Place mirrors on north or east walls, following mirror Vastu principles. Ensure they are at least 4 to 5 feet above the floor.

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