Vastu tips for Maha Shivratri Puja and celebration

Step into prosperity and joy with simple Vastu tips for Maha Shivratri Puja

Origin of Maha Shivaratri

Referred to as the ‘Great Night of Lord Shiva,’ followers in all shapes and sizes celebrate Maha Shivratri with great zeal and splendour. Several Hindu Shastra Puras mention this fortunate occasion. One mythology states that Maha Shivratri marks the beginning of the Tandav Nritya, which represents creation, preservation, and destruction. Another story describes it as the holy night of Shiva and Parbati, on which Shiva takes on the form of Purusha, or consciousness, while Parvati appears as Prakriti, or the divine expression of that consciousness.

Furthermore, it is thought that Shiva ingested the deadly poison known as halalala on this particular evening during the fabled Samudra Manthan. Whatever the story, Shivratri is very important since it is thought that the Shiva principle is very near the Earth’s surface, making meditation and blissful connection more accessible.

Devotees observe fasting, perform Rudrabhishek, and worship Lord Shiva to seek his blessings on this sacred day.

What happens on Shivratri?

At this time, the Shiva principle is thought to be only eighteen inches from the surface of the Earth. This closeness encourages people to explore themselves, which is why meditation is so beneficial.

No matter how angry one is during the day, sleep is comforting. It provides relief from misery, anguish, fear, and desire. Through intentional self-examination, the universal splendor can be experienced. Timelessness is embodied by Shiva, who transcends time and is frequently referred to as the grand time. This emptiness, when one meditates and submerges oneself in it, is filled with happiness.

In the midst of our frequently overwhelming demands, worries, concerns, and dislikes, meditation offers the much-needed respite. It provides a brief opportunity to acknowledge the fleeting character of earthly occurrences before settling into meditation.

Devotion is the key. Maha Shivratri serves as an occasion to rekindle the connection with Shiva, as the Shiva principle is revered as the highest and the foundation of the universe. Shiva, depicted iconically by the Shiva lingam, accepts offerings of both thorns and flowers alike. However one chooses to celebrate Shivratri, it should be done with pure intentions at heart.

The Shiva lingam, an iconic representation, symbolises the boundless energy of Shiva permeating the infinite expanse of the universe.

Vastu tips for Maha Shivaratri Puja and celebration:

  • Setup your puja unit

    For Maha Shivratri, it is ideal to position your puja unit in the northeast corner of your home. For arranging the puja unit, the east or north are the second-best directions. After cleaning oneself, tidy the puja room or other location where the puja will be performed.

  • Items for Shivratri Puja

    Shiva temples and other sites of great spiritual and religious significance are frequently visited by worshippers. It is customary for devotees to bathe the Shiva lingam in a mixture of milk, honey, and water. In addition, they include bel leaves and wood apples in their offerings to aid in soul purification. It is stated that until anything is offered with dedication, Shiva will accept anything from the devotees, whether flowers or thorns. According to Vastu, the Lord of Benevolence, Shiva, truly appreciates whatever you give him out of love.

  • Staying awake at night

    It is considered highly auspicious to stay awake on the night of Maha Shivratri. In the past, on the eve of Maha Shivratri, youngsters were even permitted to toss stones at the homes of different people in the society in an effort to rouse people from their sleep. Spiritually speaking, the significance of going without sleep for a night is realising your mind’s ability to control your body and that you may choose not to sleep. Additionally, it is advised not to lie down horizontally on the night of Maha Shivratri in order to align with the Shiva tattva, who is quite near to Earth during that night.

  • Shivratri is for meditation

    Vastu and other ancient scriptures suggest that any type of worship or yagna is incomplete without meditation. Shivratri is a great night for devotees to tap into their inner bliss through meditation. Meditation brings balance between the left and right brain. You can start your spiritual journey on this auspicious occasion . Some even go for Silence meditation retreat and renewal on the occasion of Shivratri and rejuvenate themselves

  • Chat Om Namaha Shivaya to nullify Vastu dosha

    According to Vastu and other ancient texts, a yagna or other form of worship is incomplete without meditation. For devotees, Shivratri is an excellent night to meditate and access their inner pleasure. The left and right brains become more balanced through meditation. This is an excellent opportunity to begin your spiritual path. On the festival of Shivratri, some people even go on silent meditation retreats for rejuvenation.

  • Sit for puja with pure intentions

    Our ancient Indian scriptures tell us that God is famished for your love. Shiva has already established a link with you, and it is now your duty to sense that connection. Because you are mired in your own narrow-mindedness and God loves you so much, God is the greatest sufferer of one-sided love. Shiva is more concerned with the pure intentions behind your offerings than with the quantity of fruits or flowers you present to God. The implication is that whenever we perform puja in a state of such devotion and love, we elevate our consciousness, reach the pinnacle of positivity, and radiate purity and positive vibrations to everyone around us.

  • Fasting during Mahashivratri

    The body takes a holiday during fasting. You should step outside of your comfort zone a little bit. Your body is flexible and able to adjust. Fasting serves as a reminder that the mind is stronger than the body. Fast in accordance with your body type; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, for instance, are the three body kinds according to Ayurveda. Particularly for Pitta body types, who find it difficult to fight hunger, fasting exacerbates their fire element, which is already highly prevalent in these body types. They could consequently get more grumpy and agitated and simultaneously have headaches from hunger. Pita body types can therefore stay hydrated by drinking lemon or coconut water and eating fruits. It is simple to fast when one is focused on seva, or spiritual pursuits. Remain focused on God and never forget that fasting should be an organic process rather than a physical hardship.

  • Abhishek during Shivratri

    The Rudra Abhishekam is the ideal Shivratri puja according to Vastu. The Rudra Abhishekam commences with Guru Puja, which is an act of respecting the Masters and Gurus who have traversed this earth and imparted knowledge to elevate humanity. Consequently, a Guru Puja is held in their honour, and then skilled pundits and experts lead the Rudram chants. A series of mantras known as Shri Rudram or Rudra Puja are chanted to invoke and honour the Shiva tattva, or Shiva energy or principle, in the universe. Not only can these mantras aid in spiritual development, but they can also assist one fulfil all other material desires. Positive ions are released into the atmosphere when these mantras are chanted which purifies the entire space and helps meditators slip into a state of peaceful meditation. Such a Rudra Abhishekam can be arranged at your house or place of business to uplift the area and negate the effects of Vastu.


Shiva is traditionally worshipped at night. You can adore him four times a night, or just once. A full night can be divided into four Prahar (प्रहर) according to Vedic wisdom, allowing you to worship Lord Shiva four times. If a devotee wants to perform a single Puja instead of four times, they should do it at midnight.

You begin with a pleasant meditation first. Next, you carefully and respectfully set Lord Shiva’s idol, also known as the Shiva Lingam, on a wooden platform that has been wrapped in white fabric. In front of Lord Shiva’s image or idol, light an oil lamp and present your offerings, such as water, flowers, dhoop, deepam, naivedyam, chandan, and so on. After that, circumambulate the Shiva Lingam or idol and present it with some flowers. To get the greatest outcomes, put your all into it.

A puja called Rudrabhishek is done to honour Lord Shiva, the universe’s transformer. The Rudrabhishek is a ceremony that, according to ancient Indian texts, uplifts your spiritual state and banishes evil energy and karma from your surroundings.

In the northeast corner of the home, set up your Puja unit or platform. Place the Shiva Lingam or his portrait over a wooden platform that has been wrapped in white cloth with respect. Then add fruits, leaves, and flowers to your Puja room or unit. Give Lord Shiva’s favourite meals, such as fruits, milk, and honey, to the Shiva Lingam or his image.

Vastu dictates that you shouldn’t wear dark colours, like black, during Shivratri. You can seize the chance to enjoy the occasion by dressing in traditional attire.

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