16 tips to reduce construction cost

You can save a crucial figure of money by simply following these expert construction tips.
Value Engineering

Value engineering is a smart way to make something better without spending more. It’s about finding ways to do things more efficiently. This method helps solve problems and remove unnecessary expenses while making things work better and be of higher quality.

Building a house can be costly, but if you plan wisely and use your imagination, you can save money while making your investment more valuable. Here are 15 fantastic tips to help you build a custom home while keeping expenses in check.

Here are 15 tips to reduce the construction cost:

  1. Choosing the right plot shape

    When buying land, choose a square or rectangular shape rather than an irregular one. This helps avoid wastage. If you’re deciding between a square and a rectangular plot with the same area, go for the square. A square plot has less perimeter than a rectangle, which means you save a certain percentage on wall construction for the plot.

  2. Reduce cost per sq. foot

    You can save a lot of money by making your home smaller. Opt for a snug and comfortable layout to lower expenses. Another clever idea is to build a two-story design instead of spreading out, like with a ranch-style layout. This can be more cost-effective.

  3. Engage an architect and structural engineer for effective planning

    If you don’t know much about building and planning, it’s a good idea to hire an architect or designer before starting construction. Planning your house properly with air circulation, ventilation, and space proportions is important for a comfortable and calming atmosphere. You also need a structural engineer because sometimes you might think you need a lot of strong materials, but that might not be necessary. On the other hand, contractors could use too little. To avoid this confusion, having an experienced engineer can help design a structurally strong building

  4. Selecting the perfect type of cement

    When you understand different cement types, you can use them in the right amounts and save money. There are two main types: OPC and PPC. OPC is a bit pricier. Use OPC for strong parts like beams, columns, and foundations. For things like brickwork or plastering, PPC works. This could save you about 20% of your cement costs, as the price difference between the two types is around INR 20.

  5. Picking the best type of bricks for your walls

    There are three main types of building blocks: red bricks, Fly Ash bricks, and AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks. Among these, AAC blocks are the most cost-effective. Although they’re a bit pricier per brick, they speed up construction and need less labor and materials overall. Using AAC blocks means less plastering is needed, which saves money. If AAC blocks aren’t available, you can choose the fly ash bricks. They’re cheaper than red bricks and don’t absorb as much water. Plus, buying bricks directly from the factory can lower the cost even more.

  6. Reduce the cost of the foundation

    Choose a building with a larger built-up area and a smaller plinth area to lower foundation costs.

  7. Thickness of inner walls

    Before deciding how big the inside wall should be, know that it’s meant to separate spaces, not support the building. So, you can make an inside wall that’s 4 inches thick instead of a thicker 8 or 9-inch one that’s not needed. This helps save money and lower construction costs.

  8. Keep the building construction in a rectangular shape

    When you’re designing your home, consider making it a rectangular shape. This helps workers do their job more efficiently and your building will be ready faster. This lowers the overall labor cost. If the design is too complicated and not a regular shape, the construction time will be longer, and that can increase the cost of building in the end.

  9. Hiring a good and knowledgeable contractor

    Hiring a skilled contractor is important because they prevent errors and redo tasks, which saves both money and time. A capable contractor also ensures high-quality construction.

  10. Avoid complicated house designs

    We should skip complex designs during the planning. For instance, curved walls and arched openings might look nice, but if you want to lower construction expenses, it’s better to stay away from intricate designs.

  11. Uniform flooring for all the rooms and halls

    It’s about using the same flooring design in all the rooms and halls to prevent waste. The basic idea is that more design means more waste. So, to save money during construction, we should use the same flooring design everywhere..

  12. Opt for UPVC/Aluminium windows and flush doors

    Choose UPVC or Aluminium windows instead of wooden ones. Also, consider using pre-made flush doors instead of creating new ones with hired workers, as that would take more time and increase labor costs.

  13. Use of same paint for all rooms and hall

    Using the same paint and colors for all rooms and the hall will decrease waste and painting expenses. In addition to that, you can compare the costs of different paints and pick the one that fits your budget.

  14. Making the right choice for your flooring

    We should skip complex designs during the planning. For instance, curved walls and arched openings might look nice, but if you want to lower construction expenses, it’s better to stay away from intricate designs.

  15. Keep an eye on cost at every stage

    Another suggestion is to be mindful of expenses during every part of the construction process. This way, you can manage the costs and if you notice they’re increasing, you can adjust your plans accordingly.

  16. Make sure the project is finished on time

    To finish the project on schedule, create thorough and clear designs. This helps prevent confusion or misunderstandings on-site, which can lead to extra costs and delays.

Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you can use as a reference

You can greatly lower building costs by using less space, getting help from a structural engineer to use materials better, planning well from the start, and being careful with expenses throughout the construction process.

Several connected factors influence how much a construction project costs. These include what the client wants, the materials chosen, how things are bought, the architects and designers involved, and how the market is doing.

Usually, building a 1000-square-foot house costs about 12  to 15 lakhs on average.

The best method to lower building costs while keeping good quality is to make the design of the structure very efficient. Also, if you work with a skilled engineer or contractor, they can help you manage your budget and give you tips to save money while still keeping things high-quality.

If you try to save money without expert help and careful planning, it could lead to problems like lower quality, unnecessary spending, lots of fixes needed, and unhappy customers.

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